Are word document info contained in the document
Are word document info contained in the document

Tap Reject Deletion, Reject Insertion, or Reject Change to reject the selected change, identified contextually by type, and not move to the next change in the document. Tap Reject & Move to Next to reject the change and move to the next change in the document. To move to another change without accepting or rejecting it, tap the Previous or Next icon. Tap Accept All & Stop Tracking to accept all changes in the document and turn off Track Changes. Tap Accept All to accept all changes in the document. For example, if you're viewing only changes made by a specific reviewer, tapping Accept All Shown accepts only the changes made by that reviewer. Tap Accept All Shown to accept all changes that are visible, but not changes that are hidden. Tap Accept Deletion, Accept Insertion, or Accept Change to accept the selected change, identified contextually by type, and not move to the next change in the document. Tap Accept & Move to Next to accept the change and move to the next change in the document. Tap twice on a change in the document to select it. On the Conflicts tab, under Conflicting Changes, click Reject My Change. On the Conflicts tab, under Conflicting Changes, click Accept My Change. Any other tracked changes that are in the document are temporarily hidden. Word uses pink highlighting to mark the conflicting changes that you made and green highlighting to mark changes made by other authors. In the Your conflicting changes pane, click a conflicting change to highlight the conflicting part of the document. Word displays the Your conflicting changes pane that lists the conflicts, and the Conflicts tab appears on the ribbon. In the message bar, click Resolve Conflicts. When conflicts exist, Word notifies you by displaying a message bar at the top of the document window and a notification in the status bar. However, the changes aren't saved to the server until the conflicts are resolved. All changes in the document are saved on your computer in the Microsoft Upload Center, even when the document contains conflicts. When edits conflict, you must resolve them before you can save the document to the server.

#Are word document info contained in the document Offline#

Conflicts can occur when one person works offline and then saves the document to the server, or when two people work on the same part of a document and save to the server before refreshing the document with updates made by other authors. When multiple authors are collaborating on a document, they might make changes that conflict with one another. In the Delete drop-down list, select Delete All Comments in Document. You need to remove comments separately from tracked changes.

are word document info contained in the document are word document info contained in the document

Right-click the change and select the option to accept or reject it.

are word document info contained in the document

When you accept or reject a single change, Word will not move to the next change in the document. Tip: To review changes in the document without accepting or rejecting them, select Next or Previous.

Are word document info contained in the document